Thursday, 3 September 2009

Spring - Lessons from a Small Flower

Image by Bronwen Hall

Spring has Sprung

Here in Australia it is spring time and the weather is warming, the birds are swooping and all the flowers are coming out in colour. Spring is a sign for new life and renewal. Spring is when nature frees her internal energy that has been hibernating for winter in the form of blooms, blossoms and babies. In Spring the death rate drops as people see the signs of rebirth and new life around them.

Outside our office window is a small garden and path. Over the last few days, I have watched a small flower break through the earth. The garden is also full of new blossoms, yet one small flower has fought the obstacles in its way, and burst into the world with a blaze of colour, facing the risk of being trampled on by careless individuals away from the masses.

What an inspiration this small bloom is to the world as it pushes past life's roadblocks with innate wisdom, courage and determination on its way to fulfill its purpose.

Think for a moment. Imagine you are the flower seed. You are paved over and buried in the cold and the dark. Is there hope? What are your chances of survival let alone thriving? Which way is up? What do you do when you hit those inevitable obstacles? Well as a seed, you do not worry about such things. It start taking the necessary steps to move towards the light and working around and through those obstacles. Does it quit? Do it give up? NO! Because that means it will die.

So, be like this little flower and live with determination, so you too can spring forth and realise your purpose in all the beauty that nature intended.

Let us remember the message of spring and release the seed of life that each of us holds inside.

Under the bitter snow is a seed which in the spring will become a rose

Every oak tree started out as a nut who stood their ground - Henry David Thoreau

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